[2024] SU1 Beta 1.3.13 SDK 1.2.3 Render on clearcoat - is Render under clearcoat in blender

Version: (lucky 13) SDSK 1.2.3 Blender 2.3.2 (new version)

Frequency: Consistently*

Severity: *High
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Marketplace package name: if applicable

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: insert url here if applicable

Bug description: The label Render Under Clearcoat in Blender exporter is inconsistent with the SDK docs “Render On Clearcoat” - gltf extension is



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The button label is by design, the logic is the same as for 3DSMax but to avoid regression we need to keep it as “Render on clearcoat” in 3DSMax.

The documentation will be updated.


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