[2024] SU1 Beta - Presets folder and sub folders - documentation difference

Version: *

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: *Low
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Marketplace package name: if applicable

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…Creating an aircraft Project
Similar MSFS 2020 issue: insert url here if applicable

Bug description:
WHen creating an Aircraft project the Presets folder is populated with

default and preseta folders

Default contains config folder with aircraft.cfg

preseta contains config folder with aircraft.cfg and attached_objects.cfg

This folder structure is different from the SDK docs for presets folder.
Repro steps:


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I share the same type of problem that you reported in your two other recently created topics, because the Packagebuilder does not correspond to the documentation.

In my case, there are no texture subfolders created and several errors are returned, without a clear path to follow. I believe it could help if the DA62 sample example were more specific and clear about liveries and versions of the same aircraft linked to different model files, as this is not found in the documentation or in the sample example.
In short, at the moment it is impossible to create an aircraft using the Packagebuilder provided for 2024. My ready-made 2020 product simply does not compile even applying the same folder structure indicated in the documentation.

Better guidance in this regard would be welcome, even if it were just in a simple sample to help us better understand how to structure the files with the new PackageBuilder provided.
