[2024] SU1 Beta SDK 1.2.2 Blender 2.3.2 export_keep_originals defaults to true

Version: *SU/AAU/WU XX - SDK 1.2.2 Blender 2.3.2

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: *Low

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Bug description:
More of a question but I feel it is incorrect - Why is export_keep_originals default to True - this will not allow the textures to be copied to the PackageSources folder. You must manually change this to false (uncheck) so you can have your textures copied over to the PackageSources folder. Or are you forcing the use to manually copy them?
Repro steps:


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This has been set by design to true because if you don’t set any export path your textures will be copied in the export folder of your gltfs and you will have to delete them manually.

Thank you !

Ok thanks, I disagree, but will modify my own version to make it work as I require.


Why not export them to the bin then? :wink: