A320 Inbuilds V2

when I hover the mouse over the EFB it changes color and then it is not possible to use it to remove the wheel blocks or load the flight plan.
Ground controls cannot be used


Welcome to the devsupport forums!

These forums are for third-party developers who use the SDK. These forums are not for asking for help with the sim or add-ons or reporting bugs in the base sim or aircraft available for download.

The forums you are looking for are forums.flightsimulator.com. Those forums are for end users. May I suggest going to the blue Aircraft & Systems subcategory and asking for help there. Tag your post #aircraft, #airbus-a320-v2, and #efb for better searchability. May I also suggest giving more information in the title, such as “Hovering mouse over A320 v2 EFB blanks it out” so that people can better find your post.

Best of luck!

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