A320 is there a way to "press" the LS button

On the stock A320 is there a way to “press” the LS button (ILS) via simconnect
or WASM? or just turn on the Glide Slope display in the PFD On the stock A320
is there a way to “pull” the LEVEL button (vertical speed)? programatically?

Hello @ZenMusic , You already asked the same thing [here
button-on-the-stock-a320.html)for the LS button and this is what we

Regarding the Glide
Slope display in the PFD or the LVL one, this is not possible. You can look at

to have more information. Regards, Boris

the reason I asked again was that recently I have learned to turn on swtiches
on the A320 programatically and I thought maybe there were others like that.
By setting some states the buttons reflect those changes.