Bug Report: When trying to load into an airport using the runway or parking positions it just hovers infinitely above the airport. If i set the departure point in the air around the airport, it loads in quickly.
We would need more info to be able to replicate this.
Does this happen with a package you distribute on the Marketplace? If so, can you give us its name?
Otherwise, can you please send us this custom scenery package?
Community folder empty. Just setting up a flight normally, clicking a parking position and clicking fly now. It never loads in, just hangs there in the sky. If i let it hang there for long time the sim will crashes. But if i press escape set a starting position in the sky not very rear to the same airport it loads in instantly without issue.
In your initial bug report you wrote in the “Context” section: “Custom Scenery Package”. Later on you said your Community folder was empty.
Do you mean that this happens on any airport there is in the sim? Or does it happen with some custom airport that is loaded & built through the Project Editor?
I was able to replicate the issue in some cases with CYRT with version
It looks like the sim failed to create the freeflight mission file.
Can you please check if you have console errors containing Flight::Serialize when such a problem occurs?
We have addressed several causes of infinite loading in the upcoming build and I am now able to consistently load a flight on those airport.
I am not able to tie this change of behavior to a specific fix so far so I want to stay cautious but it is possible that this next build will solve the problem, especially if you see similar errors in your console.
I’m actually yet to see it happen today. Just didn’t want to say it too soon. I’ll monitor throughout the rest of the day. And if it doesn’t happen i’ll declare it fixed.