Airport popup window on Marketplace Map

Hi, we’ve released a new product on the marketplace a few days ago (France VFR
North-West VFR Airports), it is a pack of 32 airports, but no one is annotated
with the popup window linked to the product page for buying ! We’ve properly
annotated each “star” airport but I do not understand if this feature is to
set by our side or yours ? The Teams team told us to post this issue on this
forum, I do not know if it is the right place ? We’ve got another product in
the MP of the same type (Paris VFR Airports) that contains more than 20
airports and airfields and each of them has its own window linked to the
product page… thank you for explaining how to setup this feature so that
simmers can click on the airport location then click on the popup window to
open the page of the product providing the airport.

Hello @FranceVFR The ingestion team probably misunderstood your problem. I can
confirm it’s up to them to manually link your package with every airport to
have it correctly displayed in the Marketplace UI. Regards, Sylvain

Thank you very much, I’ve just sent them a message in the Teams chanel, and I
hope they will be able to fix this issue…