Altitude Isoline Tool is now land only


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Marketplace package name: Vessels: Madeira

Context: Vessels: Madeira in all contexts

Bug description: The SDK Isoline tool now only shows land elevation.

In MSFS2020 we could see the terraforming affect on both land and water. In some areas your default elevation data is producing water ‘hills’ e.g. Madeira. Some developers have added terraforming to the water to try to address this. This is no longer possible in MSFS2024. In the attached screeshot you can see that the isoline tool is enabled but also that there is a large ‘water hill’ off of the coast of Madeira. We and other developers can’t attempt to correct any of this as the isoline tool doesn’t work and the water is no longer subject to terraforming (from what we can see).

I appreciate this is potentially 3 bugs. 1 x scenery related (water hills), 1 x SDK isoline bug and 1 x terraforming not working on water.

Repro steps: Head to Madeira and check the elevation issues in devmode when terraforming is enabled. You don’t need our Vessels: Madeira scenery to test this.

Attachments: You can see the red area is the shadow of the ‘water hill’ and that isoline is enabled (split screen) and only affecting the land in the background.

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I logged a task in our backlog about the altitude isoline option.
About the terraforming in water bodies, if it’s still the case, it will be better to create a dedicated bug report.


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