Animated materials are not exported in gltf

Version: 0.3.4

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Low

Bug description:
exporting gltf with Blender 3.6.16. plugin 0.3.4, with some animated material in the NLA track (playing animation in Blender), no sign of animated stuff in the gltf, thus no animation in game

sample blend attached (272.9 KB)

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i’d bump this to blocker since aircraft rely on this in 2024 for animating the tyres

Could this be related?:

Thanks for checking, not really indeed

In this case the Blender exporter is not writing any animation related values in glTf files

(I made a test with previous version of the exporter and it did write something to the glTf…but that gave horrible errors when compiling)

Hello Mamu,

The issue happen because you are using two UV offset animations in the same time, while the game engine currently support only one.

To resolve this, clear the keyframes for the UV Offset V (set to 0 in your sample), leaving only the UV Offset U. This will allow the animation to work in-game.


I have also logged an issue regarding the lack of support for both UV offset animations.


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