ASI's not behaving as expected

If I set the heli (pick one) on the ground (park brake on if it has wheels).
Open the weather window and dial in the wind direction (wind from) as the same a the heli’s heading. IE if the heading is 350, the set the wind from 350. On the nose.
Now start adjusting the wind velocity.
0 kts wind should give 0 kts on the ASI…which it both FS20 and FS24.
20 kts wind should give 20kts on the ASI
etc etc
This is the case with FS2020.
If your ASI needle is calibrated to the ASI dial scale, then it works perfectly. The heli doesn’t know the difference between airspeed and windspeed.
This doesn’t work in FS2024.
The ASI is underreading by more than 50%.
IE if I dial in a wind of 40kts, the ASI only reads 20ish.

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hmmm it might be possible this is a different issue. MSFS usually halves the wind value at ground level, with the wind only rising to the set strength maybe 800 feet AGL. This depends a bit on what altitude you’ve set the wind layer at.

For an approximate value of what MSFS thinks is the wind speed at the aircraft you could look at A:AMBIENT WIND VELOCITY in a simvar watcher, but note this includes the vertical movement of the air as well. For the super accurate version of the ‘horizontal’ wind speed you could read AMBIENT WIND X and AMBIENT WIND Z and calculate sqrt(X^2+Z^2).

Here are 2 examples.
First is FS20 with a wind set at 20kts AGL

Weather debug shows 20kts, weather tool has 20kts and IAS is 20kts.
Second is FS24 wind set at 60kts agl

weather debug shows 30kts, weather tool 60kts, and IAS 30kts.

You appear to be correct. FS20 is different to FS24. The ‘MEAN GROUND LEVEL WIND’ is not ground level wind but 1/2 of that. Bizaar. Why would they do that?
When the tower says “wind 260degrees 25kts clear to land” they are not reporting some ficticous 800’ wind divided by 2, they are reporting the wind.

Yes that was a highly questionable design choice in MSFS 2020, but I had no idea it has changed in 2024 so excellent spot!

I think that means the 120 weather presets we use for our multiplayer gliding will need re-doing. It’s a complicated art setting the weather so lift from a small ridge doesn’t extend 20,000 feet up into the sky.

edit it’s 2020 that was definitely halving the ground wind speed, and I haven’t checked 2024 yet. So there’s a mystery if 2020 has changed but 2024 has kept that halving.