Asobo Animation Retargeting option missing on plugin for 3ds Max

In 3ds max 2024 in the multiexporter plugin I can’t find the Asobo Animation Retargeting option, I don’t have the advanced tab… in the instructions instead the plugin in the photo has the tab… is it a bug?

Here is my plugin window:

and the one in the documentation:

The advanced tab is missing

Best regards.



The " Asobo Animation Retargeting" option is no longer available because it’s not used anymore in the Sim.

The plugin documentation is still a work in progress and will be updated soon.

Thank you


Ok I imagined that something has changed, but now if I export a model (with sdk 2024) with the animation file separated (in the animation folder) I have an error when loading the animated vehicle/object:

glTFLoader | Could not merge animation file 'vfs:xxx.gltf

and the parts linked to the animated dummies are not displayed, for example the wheels of a vehicle that to turn are linked to a dummy exported in the anim file.

Are you using submodel merging to merge your animation files to your model files ?

No I don’t use submodelling,

I used the separate animation file with only animated dummies inside. With the advantage of not duplicating the animations on 8 different LODs of the model, the parts in the different LODs are animated using all the same anim file, therefore with a single hierarchy. This worked in sim 2020 with the asobo uniqueID and animation retargeting activated. I don’t understand how submodelling optimizes the use of animations, on many animated LODs, I think it adds complexity by breaking down a simple vehicle into minimal parts, these parts however will still have different animations across 8 LODs. Doesn’t this increase the load on the CPU?

Thanks for your time.


Ok after testing I can use the submodel merging with optimized animations, the documentation was not clear on the type of export of the animated hierarchy.


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