Hello! At one of my airports the MSFS ATC absolutely refuses to assign me AI
aircraft the shortest possible taxiway route to Rwy 25R. For illustrative
purposes here’s a screenshot from LittleNapMap showing my scenery:
route to 25R, which of course doesn’t make a lot of sense. What worries my
however is that this works perfectly fine as it should with the default
airport, where ATC assigns twy C - obviously the shortest and most
straightforward route. I haven’t been unable so far what could be causing this
in my XML code. Here’s what I have checked:
- Checking if all twy nodes along taxiway C are properly connected by grabbing them and moving them around in devmode: All perfectly fine.
- Checking weight limit attribute for all path connectors between the points: All set to 0, which should translate to “unlimited” (which is the same for the working route marked in red)
- Checking “width” attribute for all path connectors between the points: All set to 38M (which is the same for the working route marked in red)
I’m a bit at a loss as I have no idea what else could cause MSFS to ignore
taxiway C as an option.