ATC always assigns detour via runway to start (while there are two shorther taxiways)

Hello! At one of my airports the MSFS ATC absolutely refuses to assign me AI
aircraft the shortest possible taxiway route to Rwy 25R. For illustrative
purposes here’s a screenshot from LittleNapMap showing my scenery:

ATC always assigns the red marked
route to 25R, which of course doesn’t make a lot of sense. What worries my
however is that this works perfectly fine as it should with the default
airport, where ATC assigns twy C - obviously the shortest and most
straightforward route. I haven’t been unable so far what could be causing this
in my XML code. Here’s what I have checked:

  • Checking if all twy nodes along taxiway C are properly connected by grabbing them and moving them around in devmode: All perfectly fine.
  • Checking weight limit attribute for all path connectors between the points: All set to 0, which should translate to “unlimited” (which is the same for the working route marked in red)
  • Checking “width” attribute for all path connectors between the points: All set to 38M (which is the same for the working route marked in red)

I’m a bit at a loss as I have no idea what else could cause MSFS to ignore
taxiway C as an option.

Check following: - Hold short nodes set correctly for the runway (specially
the taxiways ATC assignes on your red line) - Taxiway L4 and L5 do not share
a Taxinode on the Runway For further testing: Disconnect L4 and see what ATC
will assign now.

Thank you! Sadly none of that helped - including re-drawing the whole thing.
MSFS insisted on routing aircraft via the runway as long as L4 existed
(removing it resulted in a fine routing via twy C). What helped eventually was
removing this stretch:

Hi there,
I am interested in those taxiways! Is it possible to retrieve the waypoint list through the path ATC has decided?
BR Joel