Backward compatibily Asobo codes issue

We have some issues with basic Asobo templates not working.
In the Tech A , those codes were working great.

So we have annonuced to our customers that our Maule M7 is working great in MSFS24 .


  1. the Asobo visibility code ( YokeHidden) isn’t working anymore since the official release
(L:XMLVAR_YokeHidden1) !
  1. The Asobo GT MouseRect code isn’t working anymore since the official release
    so we can’t use our custom EFB since
EFB_Show_Button (L:CB_H_pos, percent) 6000 (L:CB_H_pos, Bool) ! (>L:CB_H_pos, Bool) (L:EFB_MENU_BUTTON, Bool) ! (>L:EFB_MENU_BUTTON, Bool) Hand

Can you please reactivate them in MSFS24 or tell us what to do so we can report this to our customers.

Thank you

Hi @Boris ,
Can we have a little bit help on this please.
I know you have a lot of work but it will be very kind
Best regards