I have black textures when loading a scenery compiled with the latest version
of the Sim, the black textures are around the user’s plane, the problem is
present in an area where the simulator’s primary aerial default images are not
present, and I think this triggers the problem, the same project compiled with
the retail version of the simulator does not have the problem. The black
textures go away simply by going outside the plane, leaving the plane and
returning to the plane.
I add a detail that could make the problem understand, the black textures
occur if the custom airport has a part of the runway (or all) where in the
standard scenery there was water. So at the moment if you lengthen runways to
reflect the changes in the real counterpart, you create these black
Hello Alessandro. This is in my todo list, thank you for the sample. Regards,
Thanks if you can be of help, with the example I sent you, maybe the first
time you load it does not create the problem, but I’m sure it occurs at least
80% of the time. It also seems that in
https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/3341 post, the problem is similar,
in common the two airports have the altitude at sea level … thanks again!
Hello, I just reproduced the issue using your package so I’ll file a bug and a
dev will have a look at this. Regards, Sylvain
Thanks! Regards, Alessandro.
Hi @FlyingRaccoon, I have managed to find the cause of the black areas on our
scenery. It appears that if the user is inside of a object that has
Environment Exclusion the black holes appear. I tested this further by placing
our Terminal on the opposite side of where users reported the issue, When
inside the terminal which is covered with the exclusion you can see the hole
using the dev cam. The moment your outside of this it’s back to normal.
Checked the same scenario with aircraft. all aircraft do it too. Which led me
to believe that the environment excluder material is the cause since the last
update. Could we get a comment on if this was adjusted?
Sorry but in my case I have only a landing strip modified in length, this is
enough to create the problem. I think it is due to the modification of
airports that are sea level.
Hi. Thanks for the feedback. No update from the devs yet. I’d be surprised if
this is related to EnvironmentOccluder material as I have the issue in
external view when you’re outside of it and the missing tiles are behind the
aircraft. But if there’s any relation between the two, devs will find out.
Regards, Sylvain
@FlyingRaccoon Hello Sylvain, do you have any news from the developers? i just
installed patch but the problem persists and on zendesk my ticket was
closed as solved. Thanks. Alessandro.
Hello Alessandro. I think your Zendesk ticket was closed because it is being
processed here. The developers have not yet started investigating as we’re
focusing on SU6 and other issues that were reported prior to yours. I know
this is frustrating but we don’t have unlimited resources. Be sure I’ll let
you know as soon as I know more about this bug. Regards, Sylvain
Ok thanks, I understand, thanks for the update.