Version: 1.3.7
Frequency: Consistently
Severity: Blocker
Marketplace package name: N/A
Context: When editing
Similar MSFS 2020 issue: N/A
Bug description:
When Exporting from Blender 4.2.6 LTS, all materials have AlphaMode set to “BLEND”. When loaded in-sim, all parts exhibit artificing (Z-buffer fighting).
Repro steps:
Export a model from Blender4.2.6 LTS using the provided 2.3.1 plugin in the SDK V.12.
When loaded in-sim, all parts exhibit artificing (Z-buffer fighting).
If the “alphaMode”: “BLEND” is manually replaced with “alphaMode”: “OPAQUE” within the GlTF file, the model now renders correctly (except materials supposed to be transparent).
This issue was not present when exporting via Blender 3.6 LTS with the previous exporter.