Blender 4.2 Exporter - SDK 1.2 SU1 BETA - AlphaMode = BLEND Always

Version: 1.3.7

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Marketplace package name: N/A

Context: When editing

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: N/A

Bug description:
When Exporting from Blender 4.2.6 LTS, all materials have AlphaMode set to “BLEND”. When loaded in-sim, all parts exhibit artificing (Z-buffer fighting).

Repro steps:
Export a model from Blender4.2.6 LTS using the provided 2.3.1 plugin in the SDK V.12.
When loaded in-sim, all parts exhibit artificing (Z-buffer fighting).
If the “alphaMode”: “BLEND” is manually replaced with “alphaMode”: “OPAQUE” within the GlTF file, the model now renders correctly (except materials supposed to be transparent).
This issue was not present when exporting via Blender 3.6 LTS with the previous exporter.

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Check with the latest SDK core (1.2.2) available with the SU1 BETA.
The fix should be included in the latest Blender plugin version 2.3.2.

Let me know if this resolves the issue, please.

Best regards,

Hello @Boris ,

Indeed, this issue is fixed with SDK 1.2.2

Thanks for the Heads-up! This can be closed.


Mario N.

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