Blender Exporter 2.3.1 - Test it? unique ID feature missing

Version: 1.XX.XX.X SDL 1.2 Blender exporter 2.3.1

Frequency: Consistently*

Severity: Blocker*
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Marketplace package name: if applicable

Context: What package? When editing or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: insert url here if applicable

Bug description:

The file export of gltf files no longer has any Extensions (ASOBO ones) like unique ID, but the multi exporter feature does. However I don’t see any extension in the gltf. Is this dependent on other factors.

file export

multi export

Should we be testing Blender exporter 2.3.1???
Repro steps:


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It does show up here and exports a gltf. You might want to delete the exporter and reinstall.

is that 2.3.1

I see it missing as well in the 2.3.1 hotfix available here. It was in the prior SDK update (The one from December).

Sorry, I got confused with the numbering and use 1.3.2 instead of 2.3.1.

SDK 1.2 is retracted (due to it being for SU1, but no idea why it wouldn’t work properly in Blender) the one in the SDK download menu is v1.1.2. Which i’m using.

The reason for the missing extensions is that Blender 4.2 has a new way to add them the the core file export. However this should not have been removed from the 3.6 code. This is why I am asking if we should even test the exporter for 4.2 at all.

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As of version 1.3.x of this plugin, it is only compatible with Blender 3.3.x LTS and 3.6.x LTS. **Other versions are not supported**.

So, I wouldn’t use it for MSFS, problems could show up at some time and you might not be able to load the project into 3.6.

The entire Blender exporter family is NOT ready for production, due to numerous issues as has been shown here on devhub. So I am trying to understand what should be tested, as ASOBO has not tested the exporter completely.

My question from the title is do we test the 2.3.1 version or not (the code is written so that it “should” work with 3.6 and 4.2). Assuming it will be the next released version. There are so many bugs (even for 3.6) and those bugs are simple fixes that I was able to add two lines of code and the errors went away.

Anyone trying to use the Blender exporter for 2024 production right now is running into issues. The code is well written , in that it is very modular. and is easy to fix. It just needs to be tested before it’s released. So, I am trying to help. Do we test it or not?


They dont need testing on 4.2 because it’s not supported and seems like a waste of time tbh. Why not stick with 3.6 and report those issues instead?

Why would you need to test it? It’s their job to do that and there are no test builds outside of Asobo. And if you want something tested it should have some direction to follow and a bugfixed/ known bugs list which they dont provide.

But bug reporting should be done obviously.

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The previous version of the plugin is labeled as supporting only up to 3.6, as you posted above. However, the plugin in question is the one that I linked in my post - 2.3.1.

DA40CGDFQ has observed code seeming to allow support for Blender 4.2. So, directed at Asobo, they ask the question (because it is not currently documented), should it be used/tested under 4.2?

I see this as a valid question and I don’t entirely get the argument against it.

Yes, Asobo should test it, but at the end of the day we are the ones using it in a production environment every day. If an issue exists, we are going to report it. Anything to help move it forward, whether that is into a better usable state or a newer version of Blender that has been a wishlist item for a long time.

As far as why DA40CGDFQ need’s to test it… well, they don’t but they have been contributing to the plugin for years now, so why not?


But SDK 1.2 is removed, so any usage of Blender or SDK functions is unsupported. Maybe it does work in 4.2 or maybe it doesn’t.And according to the topic it obviously doesn’t, so why bother with a unsupported Blender plugin?

Anyway, you are reporting an issue for something that shouldn’t be used. What is in the code (there’s a lot that is disabled in the Sim also) doesn’t mean it should work now.

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I get your point. Have they officially stated if they pulled it because it was prematurely released or could it just be a regression oversight? I haven’t seen anything official on that.

More or less, that’s still the question of this thread. The original SDK link is no longer available, yet the plugin is available from an official source (Boris’ post) here on the forums. Which has not been pulled in over a week.

So, is it or is it not supported?

Reading through the thread again, I think the whole 4.2 interjection derailed this topic a bit. The original issue of unique ID missing is a 3.6 issue and limited to the File > Export menu only.


The MSFS2024 extensions has been removed from the Khronos exporter panel by design. Everyone should use the multi-exporter panel to get gltf exported for the sim. As for the plugin version 2.3.1, you don’t need to test it because all the fixes are in 2.3.2 which is the next plugin version coming with the next Core MSFS2024 SDK.

This next version will support Blender 4.2.xx LTS and will still support Blender 3.3.xx LTS and Blender 3.6.xx LTS.

Thank you for your report,



I think they should have made a banner in the Sim to make clear that 1.2 was pulled and prevents confusion like this or problems that could happen while still using the 1.2 SDK.

It’s nice to see 4.2 gets official support.

To all Blender users - ,You now MUST use the multi exporter to export your projects. Using the menu File Export may cause issues with some ASOBO extensions.

Just a Caution


Is uniqueid extension required to be checked at all times now?

I ask because you have fixed the neutral_bone issue, but only by making the unique id … well unique. You do not change the neutral bone name to the same unique name. That way when the build happens and you have a modular aircraft or simobject the different modules may have the mesh/object name neutral_bone and a possible build error will result.

Or does the sim build just use the unique id and ignore the name.

I still see this as a potential issue, because different modules can have neutral_bones and the unique id will be named the same, because the developer did not set the unique id in the panel, the program calculated the name or unique id for this neutral_bone.


The unique_id is a required extension for simobjects, especially when merging is used. The merge model is specifically designed for exported models from the same scene and hierarchy. When the neutral_bone has the unique ID set as <armature_name>_neutral_bone, there won’t be any build errors.

Thank you

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