Blender Exporter Version Compatibility

Can someone please confirm current blender exporter compatibility. Over time there are many posts and replies claiming different compatibility and it’s impossible to decipher what is current/up-to-date. For now I am folloiwing the info on thje github that says 1.3.x is compatible with Blender 3.3 LTS and 3.6 LTS. I am currently using Exporter 1.3.3 and Blender 3.6.5.

I am interested in input from the community as I am aware sometimes the official documentation in the past has not been the way to go.

Sim Version: FS2020
Current Blender plugin version: ??
Best Compatible Blender Version: ??

Help appreciated. Thanks

Surely this is not a mystery?

For msfs2020
Current Asobo plugin is 1.3.3, available in the 2020 core SDK and on Asobo GitHub

As per the instructions, it is compatible with blender 3.6 LTS (iirc is blender 3.6.15)

The above will give you the best experience possible at the moment

Thanks mate. Just wanted to confirm as I’ve been having all sorts of issues recently and wanted to check I was not expecting too much.