Severity: Semi-Blocker (have to re-do work every time I open a scene)
Bug description: When saving a Blender file - MSFS 2024 lights are moved to the last collection selected.
Repro steps:
Open Blender 3.6.
Add a MSFS 2024 light.
Put it into a collection.
Create another collection.
Select the new (empty) collection.
Save the Blender file.
Re-open same Blender file.
= Light have moved to the collection selected prior to saving
further to this - if you have one light then - every time you open the blend file it will add more “HIDDEN” lights that will be associated to the light objects.
I have two lights in the original blend file - open the file and you have two objects, but as many lights as you have collections. To get rid of them do a file clean up - and purge that orphan data.
For the brave and ones who can’t wait. try this Skip the existing MSFS lights. However it will still move and duplicate any NON MSFS Lights. Non MSFS lights will be made MSFS lights.
add the lines
# skip if already an MSFS light
if light_data.msfs_light_type != "NONE":
here below
light_objects = list(filter(lambda object: object.type == "LIGHT",
for light_object in light_objects:
light_data =
#print("convert_lights_to_msfs2024 - light data", light_data, light_object.users_collection, light_object.type, light_data.type, light_data.msfs_light_type)
# skip if already an MSFS light
if light_data.msfs_light_type != "NONE":
bpy.ops.msfs2024.add_light(, msfs_light_type="streetLight")