Blocker - prevents from working on the project)
Marketplace package name: if applicable
Context: Blender 3.60 and MSFS 2024 plugIn 1.32
Bug description: MSFS 2024 lights settings not saved and reset from each file reopening
Repro steps:
Open Blender 3.6. Add one MSFS 2024 lights. Set Intensity cd to “2000” or whatever. Save the Blender file. Close Application. Reopen same Blender file : intensity cd is “200000” !
Attachments: Whatever the light type (point/sun/area/spot) , Intensity cd settings are not saved when saving the Blender files. Every scenery needs lighting tweaking after each reopening. Not good and time consuming process.
Adding to this - it’s not just the cd setting, but all lights settings get set to some default values as well. Day/Night Cycle gets unchecked, cone angle always defaults back to 90, duration gets set to 0.2, and Random Phase gets checked.
Hi team, can someone explain if we create lights on buildings in Blender - will they show up in MSFS 2024… or should they? We can get emissive textures to show up, but the only way to get lights on buildings to light up the ground - is to add extra lights in the game. I’m wondering if we are missing something?