Boening 747-8F IFR approach bug

Version: * -*

Frequency: Frequently/

Severity: *High/

Context: What package? In edition or mounted from Community? In main menu or in flight? etc…

Bug description:

Boeing 747-8F. IFR flight. During selecting an approach on MFD (Runway and point towards runway) the memory consumption increases drastically causing MSFS crash.

Repro steps:
For instance, select IFR flight EKCH->EGLL. After reaching the last waypoint (leg on flight plan) wait for ATC info regarding a runway and point towards runway. After selecting RW and point, the EXE button on MFD is waiting for the acceptance. After clicking the button MSFS starts to eat a memory causing the crash


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Hello @SumptuousZebra7 ,

Since the issue you’re reporting has nothing to do with the SDK or the DevMode, you should report the issue on the MSFS General Forums or on the MSFS Zendesk support page.

This, the DevSupport forum, is the place specifically for 3rd party developers (myself included), for support with the SDK and DevMode, and technical issues with the sim that can cause an impact to 3rd-party devs and their work.

Carlos Gonzalez
NextGen Simulations

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