Bought and installed Premium Deluxe, but my sim is still stuck in alpha dev-only mode

I can’t figure out how to get the full version of the sim now. I have the MS Store version and I bought Premium Deluxe, I thought it would automatically flip into retail mode once it’s released but it did not. I re-installed, and I’m still only getting the alpha (despite release notes and intro screens looking like the final retail).


Same. Even removing the game, leaving preview and installing again.

Where do you leave the preview?

xbox insider hub

Xbox Insider Hub app. Go there, click on Previews, look for Limitless (I think it is called), then click on Opt-out.

Carlos Daniel González Gómez
NextGen Simulations

Here, try the following:

The above instructions didnt work unfortuntely.

Many of us on the Microsoft Store version cannot install the Production copy of the 2024 and are stuck on the DevAlpha even after leaving the trail.

I dont want to start removing directories after un-install because their are still traces of limitless in the registry and it just breaks the xbox app installer (been down this road with 2020 a few times and only fix was a PC rebuild which im not keen to do on my studio computer)

We need a solution to this fairly quickly please guys.

I was able after many tries, by exiting the program from insider hub, unistalling, restarting the PC then installing from the MS Store

I did get it to turn into the RTM by following the instructions above. Go into the Insider Hub, Leave the Limitless preview, reboot, start the sim. Now I’m just having the same issue as everyone else.

Ok made some inroads that might help others.

I had the techAlpha still ínstalled … I never got an opportunity to remove it when it was pulled from the Insider Hub.
It also didnt appear in the Apps and Programs areas in Windows
After making sure I had defanitely left the DevAlpha in the Insider Hub
I then used Revo un-insatller to locate the TechAlpha ‘App’ and it used powershell to uninstall it properly.
I then could install the proper client version via the Xbox app as per the intstructions.

After trying several solutions, including leaving DevAlpha multiple times, attempting to access through console/Xcloud/Steam, reinstalling and uninstalling MSFS 2024, and even formatting my PC, the only thing that worked was removing my Xbox Insider account. I had to fully delete my Xbox Insider account (through the app settings) in order to gain access to the game.

I’ve learned that, for any future invites involving Xbox Insider, it’s better to use a completely separate account.

This was the only solution that ultimately worked

I have gone through every step here multiple times, even installed it through a different account, but still edit: Except LinkAviator’s method. I’ll look into that too, I guess, but the secondary account I’m installed through now doesn’t even have insider.

Hello everyone,

Please post here if you are still having the issue despite following Boris instructions:
Left the preview but everytime i load the sim it’s still going in the 1.0.88 build with modes being locked down? - [MSFS 2024] Bug Reports / Others (Non DevMode/SDK related) - MSFS DevSupport
