[BUG] MSFS fails to load submodels and LODs correctly

Version: SU14 -

Frequency: Frequently

Severity: Blocker

Context: Community build

Bug description: Multiple, possible related, see below.

Repro steps: See below

Private attachments: Sent a Community package.

Aircraft setup: the aircraft makes use of submodels

  • Cockpit model
  • Colliders submodel: contains envoccluder and some click boxes using a collision material
  • Cabin model
  • Cabin colliders submodel: contains some cabin click boxes using a collision material. Not present in all models
  • Cabin seats
  • Passenger attachments

Bug #1: The submodel containing the clickspots fails to load, making aircraft unusable. To fix it, one must quit to windows. This can happen automatically:

  • Rarely: on first flight
  • Frequently: on flight restart

Bug #2: Cockpit LOD0 fails to load in internal view, even though the user aircraft supposedly forces LOD0. What we have noticed:

  • Frequency: rare
  • Steps to reproduce: Go to external view and zoom out to a lower LOD screen size (i.e. LOD4). Change view and go back to the cockpit. It is possivble that your cockpit will be missing GPS units (removed at LOD4) or have them but be in LOD1.

Bug #3: Cockpit animations, code parts or both fail to work. This can happen randomly or when going from exterior to interior view. Overhead switches may operate but the animation does not play. Autopilot modes may toggle correctly, but no annunciations appear. Autopilot Avars are off, but the AP tracks heading normally.

We believe that has to do with submodels.

Here is a photo from a customer:

They went in external view and came back in the cockpit to LOD5.

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Woa ! This would explain a lot of the strange things I’ve had recently

I definitly noticed bug #1 and #3 a few times.
Restarting flight was sometimes not enough. IIRC, changing plane and coming back was.

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I also noticed that the resolution of true/false has changed when you restart a flight. For example, I use this code to show a GPS unit: (L:AS530_Hidden, Bool)

Sometimes the Lvar evaluates to -1 when it is hidden and the code doesn’t resolve it a s true, leading to a “missing” GPS. This wasn’t a problem before, though. Either the resolution logic has changed, or the true/false assignment broke.

Hello @SWS-AlexVletsas

I was unable to reproduce any of these issues with your aircraft so far.
Were you able to produce those issues as well or it’s entirely based on customer reports?


Yes, we experienced those ourselves too, but they were not problems before SU14. The update 10 days aco seems to have fixed the LOD switching and disappearing clickspots, but we are getting occasional reports of switches working but not moving.

We are testing a new beta build which will use 100% submodels to see if the bugs will crop up again.

A sample report: SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG) - #948 by nullv3ktor - Aircraft - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

What breaks is usually random.