Calls to fsCommBusCall() fail if done in direct sequence

Hi guys:

consider the following scenario: I am making an fsCommBusCall() from a wasm gauge to a registered function that also reaches its target in the PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE phase of the gauge callback. All is well.

But if I try to directly make a second fsCommBusCall() in the next installement of PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE, this one does not reach its target anymore.

Only, if between the first and the second call I put some arbitrary delay of e.g. 500 cycles of PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE, the first as well as the second call reach their targets successfully. Which leads me to believe that something must be going on in the guts of MSFS and that the cause cannot be my code alone.

Now I am asking myself: is there a known limititation as to how often in sequence you can make those calls to fsCommBusCall()? Is this a bug? What might be going on?

Appreciate some input.
