CAMERAS.cfg: Is the 'transition' property broken?

According to the documentation for cameras.cfg: Transition=0 set on both the
first and second camera in the transition should disable the transition
effect. This is not working. Looking for confirmation please. Why is this
important? Like many content creators, I suspect, I use the cameras as virtual
“Go Pro” cameras and prefer to snap between the views. Panning through the
body of the aircraft ruins the effect somewhat ; < ) e.g. VIDEO showing
unwanted transition effect

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From SDK docs: When switching between camera views a “smooth” transition is
obtained by moving the camera in real time from its old location to the new
one. Note that this behavior is only applied if the Transition settings for
both cameras are set to TRUE (1). If either or both are set to FALSE (0) then
the view switch is instantaneous.
From my notes: Not working. Tried: 0 Tried
1 Tried adding double quotes around value Tried adding single quotes around

Face palm moment. OK, partial face palm. Of course the camera transitions can
be turned off. We see this every day with the lovely taxi sequences generated
in sim before you press ‘READY TO FLY’. So the question remains - and yes I’ve
searched all the forums - how does one do it?

Tried another variation, found in the Steam install cameras.cfg example file:
Transition = No Still doesn’t work.

Hello @MiGMan_Flight_Sim_Museum I think this is one of the FSX legacy
parameters that has no counterpart in MSFS. And it seems to be the case for a
lot of camera parameters. That’s something we plan to review and clean up in
the future. Regards, Sylvain

Thanks for the answer Sylvain, much appreciated. I wondered if the instant
cuts between camera angles seen in the sim’s taxi sequences may be a possible
answer, if we can find out how they achieve that?

Bumping this question a year later.

Sylvain indicated these transitions may be legacy FSX parameters and that it may be looked at.
I’ve personally been through the camera.cfg file several times and tried all variants of parameter tweaking to no avail.

I have over 2,000 MSFS videos on YouTube now and so deal with this every day.

There are ways to work around ugly transitions where the camera pans through the airframe, but it really limits the cinematic potential of the sim’s magnificent graphics engine.

Fixing this (allowing removal of transition between views) would certainly be appreciated by myself, for sure, and I suspect many other content creators, plus our viewers.


Agree… so many things I want to do as a Aircraft developer and I am unable due to camera system limitations, the example explained by MigMan is one of many issues…


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This section of the doc is about to be worked on.
Camera config parameters, simvars and events will all be reviewed so we can give a better picture of what’s actually used.


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Thanks Sylvain,

Looking forward to learning more about the cameras!

More feedback for the team:

Not working as of Sep 2023:

This list is not complete, these are just the parameters I have tested on several aircraft. Hope this helps.

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A friendly reminder the camera system updates and fixes are still outstanding. Please make this a priority for the 2024 release. The camera system remains a source of daily frustration. If you can’t or won’t update it, please create an API for third-party developers to provide the functionality that users, content creators, and devs have asked for four years. Thanks!