Can´t get my decals to work in MSFS 24, Help needed

Hello everyone,

I just can´t get my decals to work properly. My sticker meshes are slightly on top on the fuselage mesh and have the decal material assigned. In MSFS 20 everything worked well. But in MSFS 24 they are flickering as if I had just given them the standard material. Recreating the materials didn´t change anything. Moving the stickers futher away isn´t really an option either because they will be floating and loose the whole point of a sticker. I have recorded a quick video to demonstrate the issue. On some flights the decals actually work without any issues. This seems to be totally random and convinces me even more that something is broken with the rendering or decal material and the issue isn´t caused by me.

I have recorded an additional video to demonstrate that the issue doesn´t appear consistenly.

@FlyingRaccoon Maybe someone from Asobo can have a look at this? Other devs don´t seem to be able to help. I´ve had it since the release of the sim and I don´t seem to find a solution. The fact that the issue isn´t appering consistently and never did in MSFS 20 may be a clue that something is broken in the rendering of the decal material?

To provide some additional resources, the following is random video of a sim user, starting at 4 min you can see the same issue on larger scale decals of the citation.

Hello @b1e1n7e

Please create a bug report and provide us with the package (or just its name if it’s on the Marketplace) so we can investigate.


Hey Sylvain,

I actually did create a bug report some days ago but it didn´t catch any attention. I just created a new bug report, putting all the information and reference videos together. As I mentioned in the report, the Cessna CJ4 should be perfect to investigate this issue. Thanks for having a look at this.

I can see that it looks like your decal meshes and materials work just fine in a normal condition so let’s look elsewhere.

In MSFS 2024, there are new dust/dirt overlays that can be used along with values from the sim that grow larger over time. I wonder if you are using any sort of dust or faded paint features where a different layer is being shown which now is modifying or conflicting with the exiting decals.

You could easily test this with the dust debugging panel. With that, you can manually activate these layers and if you see an immediate effect on the decal, you have a hint.

Hey Sal,

I’m not using anything like that yet. It’s just a fuselage mesh with standard material and a decal mesh with decal material on top. I’ll look at the debug menu but I’m almost certain it can’t be caused by that since there are no additional meshes.

Hello @b1e1n7e

I am sorry, we are dragging behind in terms of bug report processing.
But we will review yours eventually.
