I need help, whatever I do I cannot load object texture in game. Yesterday I had installed like 5 different versions of blender with different versions of exporter plugin and results were always the same - pink checkered texture. I have no idea what Im doing wrong.
I haven’t touched any other material properties other than ‘Base Color Texture’ in MSFS2024 Material Properties.
Check that in your texture folder the exporter has created an .xml file alongside with the texture
It is needed to instruct the compiler to create the ktx2 compiled texture
It did not made any xml with texture, only xml with model. Can you provide me how this xml should look like? I was looking for it in SDK manual, but didn’t found it.
First thing to check, where are you exporting your textures. Assume it’s 2024. Always use …/texture
The reason I say this is with the new way to do things, your texture for your model will always be relative to the model folder. So …/texture is needed.
check your packageSources folder - this is where you send your exports. Don’t do a copy paste - always export to packageSources.
Check your project file assets. make sure the folder structure is what is required for the sim. for Scenery.
Check that the sim build process has no failed indication, when you build. You may be looking at a previous build and not a properly updated build.
Check all errors in the build.
Are you using the multi exporter - are you using the objects or preset in multi exporter. - if you use objects there is currently a bug in that with the missing letter o. Use presets
Always review any errors or warning you get. make sure you can rationalize the errors and warning. some can be ignored and some cannot.
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the exporter option should be like this
specifically, the GenerateTextureLib is responsible of creating the texture .xml
it must have the name of your texture
TCom_Wood_MahoganyVeneer_512_albedo.PNG.xml (85 Bytes)
More or less I had similar settings, but tried yours. The xml file for png texture was not exported, but I’ve created it by myself.
Blender is exporting model without any errors, project builds also fine.
I’ve looked up the glTF file and now it doesn’t have any reference to texture (as it had previously)… and the model is white.
you are using Objects - does not work due to o letter missing error in code.
Check the blender console log - in menu item - Window then Toggle System Console
It doesn’t give me any error or a warring regarding to some missing ‘o’.
interesting as a simple cube gives me this
Edit - where are your textures in relation to you blender blend file - are they packed or in a separate folder.
Linked is a setup I use. Your base folder needs the unpacked .blend file, and a textures sub-folder containing your textures for the blender model. The base folder also contains an empty export folder.
I export the MSFS textures to
I export the glTF to
After exporting, the export folder contains the gltf, bin xml and all textures with their xmls. They can all then be copied to the appropriate project ModelLib and texture folders.
Just an idea. Pavement_Cube.zip
I did as you said, and for the very first time it generated all the necessary xml’s, also gltf was generated with proper reference to texture file.
Thank you guys. I would never know that export location could break anything. Fact, that now I cannot export directly to modelLib folder is just small inconvenience compared to problems that I had previously.