Hold_short_forward_marked and hold_short_backward_marked do not work for me in the World Hub to place red runway numbers on the ground. The yellow “hold short” lines can be placed and show up in the SDK with two ctrl-clicks but when the third point is extended the red runway number does not show up.
It also does not appear if saved and exported and the result is placed in the Community folder, even when the sim is reloaded with Developer mode OFF.
Has anyone else tried placing red runway numbers on the ground and had this experience? Is this not allowed in the World Hub or just not working properly?
I think from memory it didn’t work for me when editing the taxi node but it did create the red numbers when I drew the hold short painted line
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Hello there,
the appearance of these red markings depends on the width of the taxipath.
For our part, we prefer to use painted lines, as they provide greater precision.
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The painted lines technique is what I’m having trouble with. The hold short displays immediately after two clicks but the ground numbers never show up. I have done this before in the regular SDK but haven’t been successful with the World Hub. If it has worked for you people it should work here. I’ll try it again soon.
I got it working. Your comment about the taxipath width made me experiment. The problem was I had no taxipath for the part of a very wide taxiway on which I was trying to place the hold short with ground runway numbers. I added a path for that part of the runway and then it worked.
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