Hi. Following up on these topics (as they are pretty old):
sdk-0-4-0/111450> <https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/it-is-not-possible-to-
insert-an-aerial-image-on-tin-areas/232184/2> Is there a way of inserting
custom CGL over TIN areas? The standard method does not seem to work.
Hello. This is not a bug. The ability to replace TIN data is not supported.
The “Exlude TIN” property of the polygon object just allows you to flatten it
in case you want to replace a particular building but that’s it. This is a
design choice and we have no plans to change this behaviour for now. In which
case is it really a problem? Do you have a set of data that you think is of
higher quality than the one we provide? Regards, Sylvain
Hi Sylvain, Thank you for the explanation. Our data is not necessarily of a
higher quality (resolution) but often much newer, sometimes even 10 years.
Take the Chicago area for example - on some airports, there are taxiways
visible that were demolished 8-9 years ago. In general, custom CGLs give more
control of what is going on on the ground but never mind, we can still use
aprons to cover things up. Best regards Stanislaw
Terraform works poorly over TIN areas too. Is that normal?
Hello @DrzewieckiDesign A quick message to let you know that, if you haven’t
noticed yet, CGLs are allowed over TINs since SU9 Regards, Sylvain