Changing heli turbine position breaks rotor rpm

Hey everyone,

I’m currently working on a basic flight model for my helicopter while
I’m still finishing my model. I took the engine relevant cfgs and entries from
another helicopter which has very similar engines.
The engines are working, but I can’t change their position, I had the same problem when I started with default bell 407 files. Changing the engine position always leads to a low rpm and I can’t get my heli
into the air anymore.
Adding to that I’m not sure how relevant it even is to have the correct position of a helicopter turboprob engine, but even if it’s just for the good feeling I’d like to have the position correct.
I’d be glad if someone can help me.

Are you editing the engines.cfg value on disk or using Aircraft Editor?

I don’t think the issue is changing Engine.0 = ...., but rather that AE makes edits to the files. You should have no issue actually making all the changes you need, but directly in engines.cfg as opposed to saving with AE.

If you place the Bell 407 files into the Cabri G2 SDK sample, then it will fly fine. Make any edit in AE and reload and you’ll find the NR decays and the aircraft doesn’t work anymore. When you look at the edits to engines.cfg and flight_model.cfg, you’ll find it made many changes to the files.

I never tracked down which edits are incorrect, but a few definitely look suspect. It’s a huge burden for devs to have AE mess up a working config, and then need to work backwards through all the edits to figure out what went wrong. So I would recommend using source control and using only the gizmo in AE but then saving values manually.

It removes RPM_on_TP_torque_table and n1_to_shaft_torque_table which is definitely required.

AE is just not compatible with helo-turbine at all. I’ll submit a bug.

EDIT 2: bug thread: Aircraft Editor destroys Helo-Turbine engine configuration


Hey Dave,

thank you very much for your quick response.
That’s exactly what I did, I made all my changes directly in the Aircraft editor,
which is just much more comfortable for me as a beginner.
I didn’t expect the AE to be able to mess up my files permanently. I’ll change the position outside
the editor.
I’ve actually had similar situations before, the rotor rpm problem always happens to me when
I edit values in a way that seems to be a bit out of the realistic limitations. But in those cases I was able to recover by resetting the value and restarting the sim for a rebuild.
I’ve started to backup my cfgs regularly in case something happens.
Thank you very much for the bug report.
I really hope the Aircraft editor gets cleaned up and improved a bit for helicopters.
The tailrotor section for example has a bunch of values that aren’t even usable and there is no word about it in the documentation. I saw you already mentioned that some time ago.

Another thing I noticed is that the weight debug menu doesn’t work properly for helicopters,
I’m not sure if it’s just not possible or a bug. For fixed wing aircraft you can see typical estimated
Moi values which does not appear in a helicopter.
Another thing is that the documentation is mixed up in some places. Defining a default deflection of a rotor axis for example is done with the static pitch and static bank values and not as described in the documentation with cyclic pitch centre or cyclic bank centre.
Do you know if those things have been submitted to Asobo?