(Closed) KX155A electrical failure


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: KX155A radio equipment

Bug description: Screen of the radio KX155A installed on my aircraft continuously blinks. As I checked the electrical system, its circuit is continuously set to off and on (with actually no apparent reason for that)

After checking the Bus connections it seems the NAV1 breaker is continuosly pulled and pushed…

Any news on this ?

The package is the AeroSachs Tecnam P92 Echo

Not sure if this will help or not, but I had a similar issue with my Taxi Light function for my smoke FX that I used. It would constantly turn on then off and repeat. It turned out to be a default setting on my Velocity One Flight stick was causing the issue. Might be a hardware setting somewhere, at least it was for me.

Thanks for the hint, I will try again unplugging everything

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Actually now that I think about it wasn’t my Stick it was a setting on the mouse.

Tried to see if there is any settings making that behaviour but I found nothing

I found what was causing the issue (and it was my fault)

This code that was invoked continuously as the L variable COCPIT_GAU_VOR1_VIS was 0 (therefore removing that code stopped the breaker toggling) → ticket closed

	<Component ID="HIDE_COCPIT_VOR1" Node="CONTAINER_CDI_1_1_1_1">
    			     (L:COCPIT_GAU_VOR1_VIS, number) 0 ==
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I don’t know why in MSFS2020 the code had no effect, anyway it’s now solved

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