Coherent Version

I have noticed that Coherent hasn’t been updated since the initial release of the sim (2.9.5) and that 12 new versions of Coherent GT have been published since. Those are fixing a lot of issues (including CTD) the community has been facing for the past 3+ years.

Can you confirm that 2024 will have the latest version of Coherent and that it will be kept up to date as updates are released?

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I asked this a while back: Coherent Version

The problem is they haven’t updated the webkit used by MSFS, so basically we stuck now forever unless some new tech becomes the new standard?


Our testers (for a yet unreleased product) are noticing a LOT of crashes with CoherentGTJS.dll and other Coherent-related memory allocation corruption issues.

I brought this to Asobo’s attention here and they did indeed reply they’re tracking this issue but there is still no solution for it.

I am concerned that if we release with this bug still at play, the community is going to create a serious backlash towards us as we cannot really be pointing the finger to Asobo - even though the bug is definitely reproducible even with default aircraft (we supplied repro cases to Asobo and crash dumps for them).