Commbus not working on first load


We’re facing an issue where the Commbus doesn’t initialize properly when loading for the first time.

  1. Load the sim
  2. Load/Build the SDK Commbus aircraft sample (MSFS SDK\Samples\DevmodeProjects\SimObjects\Aircraft\CommBusAircraft)
  3. Load a flight
  4. Traffic metrics stay at zero
  5. Reload the aircraft
  6. Traffic metrics get populated

Reloading the aircraft from the SDK or rebuilding the project in-flight will fix the issue.
I have tried with an empty community folder with the same result.
We have also experienced the same issue on one of our projects.

Video for context:

Thank you

Reported here with no response: Communications API not working on first load of plane - #2 by Funkyaz_xblms

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Ah! Thank you for this.

It appears someone is looking into it right after you posted that link. Glad it got some attention.

I’m trying to figure a workaround until the next sim update.