Could the airport generation system be adjusted so that it places objects perfectly on aerials?

Oh yeah, that is a very good concern you raised in that other thread about what happens when another aerial gets laid down…if it’s not as accurately aligned, what happens? Or, what if you download a World Hub airport, see that it’s misaligned, and decide that it’s too much trouble to align everything, so you work with the misaligned aerial, and then a different aerial shows up and it’s more accurately aligned? Does the system throw your changes away because they no longer line up? That’s a scary proposition.

I still haven’t heard back from anyone official on my questions about what happens when new aerials get overlaid. It’s getting me nervous, and I think I’m going to stop work after a few more airports until after the MSFS 2024 launch, as this uncertainty is not good, and I’ve spent way too much time on this to have it all blown away in a few months.

I haven’t heard anything about Bing’s accuracy, but I do know that there can be discrepancies between Bing and Google Maps from time to time. (And that is not to imply that it’s necessarily Bing that’s off. But it does show that there is variability.)

I can say that regarding Bing vs. MSFS, the taxiways in the above airport screenshot are 8 m wide, and they appear to be off by about half a taxiway width, or roughly 4 m. That’s about the width of a highway lane.

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