Creating a Pack how to add packages


I’m trying to create a pack out of airport packages but on the window I supposed to add packages nothing will show up whatever I try to type in.


later I add them manually but I do not know wether this is okay.

I importing them by the package definition:

The Edit list is still empty

What do I miss here? Thanks for any help!

Hello @LHSimulations,

First, you need to import your different packages into your current project first, using the ‘Import Item’ button in the project editor window.

Select your pack in the project editor window and click on ‘Edit List.’ This will enable autocompletion for the packages you’ve just imported into the project.


Finally, add marketplace data to your pack and build / export the Pack.

See Bundles And Packs for more informations.

Hope it helps,


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Thanks Boris for the answer!
I figured it out lately how it works. The misleading point was that this window appeared before I could import the packages and of course it was empty because the whole project was empty yet.
Of course if you define the pack later than it is obvious.
