Creating decal mesh for rivets and seams

I’d like to know how Asobo handles the creation of decal mesh on their
aircraft. The documentation covers many very basic and easy to Google art
tasks, but stops short of explaining this very important concept. I have some
ideas for how it can be done, but all of the methods are extremely time
consuming, especially on large (jet) aircraft. I really don’t want to have to
resort to using 16K textures and just forgo decal mesh altogether, as the
resource usage would be insane. Some of the decal geometry on the default
aircraft also doesn’t match what I’d expect for any of the workflows I can
think of. Does Asobo have any recommendations based on their workflow?

Hi Hughes I’m not Asobo, but here is how I do it; Go in 2D view and create the
decals, just drag them out where you need them and multiply. Then use a
function of your modelling package that projects the vertices against the
surface of your mesh. This is called “Conform” in Max and “Skinwrap” in

@StevenPearce is right, just place all the rivet decals no matter how many.
You can use array modifiers and other time-savers but it will be worth the
effort. Your users don’t want extra-large textures. You can’t beat the results
of hi-res details any other way.

This is exactly what I would like to learn how to do. I built a model and used Decal Machine for the rivets inside Blender. Decal Machine creates decals that are shrink wrapped faces on the mesh. It looks really awesome inside Blender but I have no idea, how to get the decals out to MSFS. Please let me know if you are familiar with Decal Machine and have an idea how to export them into the sim.