Some problems with the documentation. The example make reference to
TEST_INSTRUMENT - but parts of the example use MY_INSTRUMENT as in There is
no ASOBO template so I assume its a mistake? Tooltip example errors: A more
complete example would be like this:
%s aux pump” and in the XML it would look like this:
COCKPIT.TOOLTIPSV2.GT_STATE_LEFT and this would output the formatted string
“Toggle left aux pump”. this: A more complete example would be like this:
%s aux pump” and in the XML it would look like this:
COCKPIT.TOOLTIPSV2.GT_STATE_LEFT and this would output the formatted string
“Toggle left aux pump”. A formatted number: is missing a closing bracket and
FORMAT_VALUE - Permits you to specify how the value should be formatted into a
string. The default formatting is: ‘%.1f%%’ (F:Format) FORMAT_VALUE> missing a
open bracket and / Input events preset required params IE_Name description is
combined with what I assume is the IE_PRESET description and should be
enhanced by separating the information out. this: IE_NAME - The Input Event
preset name, which is created as follows: #INPUT_EVENT_ID_SOURCE##IE_NAME#
where IE_NAME is the name of the element you’re creating. For example, for a
button “SWAP” it would be Swap So with 1 the Input Event preset being created
would be MY_RADIO_1_Swap. to this: IE_PRESET - The Input Event preset name,
which is created as follows: #INPUT_EVENT_ID_SOURCE##IE_NAME# where IE_NAME
is the name of the element you’re creating. For example, for a button “SWAP”
it would be Swap So with 1 the Input Event preset being created would be
@Nocturne FYI
Thanks for the great feedback! We’ll get the page fixed for the next update.