As per the latest update of our Supercarrier Pro product, PC Users are reporting very long installation times on the MS Marketplace.
Install gets stuck on the latest step for 20-40mins, or gets stuck on Unpacking for around the same time.
Additional to this, MS Marketplace users are reporting very long loadtimes (some 6 minutes, with one user reporting up to 15minutes) when the product is installed.
This issue does not occur for non-Marketplace customers, not it seems to occur on Xbox. Hence, I believe it may have something to do with encryption on PC specifically.
This is affecting many customers and hence why we flag it as critical.
Hello @vantech
This occurs on the current live version, right? (
Correct, current live version. I don’t have data if this also occurs on the current Beta flighting as well.
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@FlyingRaccoon Just had the first report of this issue also occuring on Xbox
@FlyingRaccoon Any updates on this?
Hello @vantech
This is being investigated but we don’t have a fix yet.
Okay. I would appreciate an expedited solution as this is affecting many customers, as well as product reviews on the MS Marketplace.
I’ve been issuing copies of the product via my website to those customers affected, and all of them have had the problems solved, so indeed it all points out to the encryption being the problem.
Hello @vantech
No progress on this at the moment.
This has not been prioritized yet.
Would greatly appreciate if it gets some attention. I understand its not a widespread issue but affects thousands of our customers directly.
Hello @FlyingRaccoon
I see that the bug has been logged- will it be fixed on SU15 final release?
Hello @vantech
I don’t think it will, unfortunately.
If not done already, tell your users to report the problem on the Zendesk support platform as it will help for priorization.
Will do. I would appreciate if you could help push this on your end as well - considering that there won’t be any more updates after SU15 for the remainder of the year.
There are a very significant number of affected users. Please also let me know if there is anything I can do on my end to alleviate the situation.
@FlyingRaccoon We have submitted a few tickets on Zendesk, but the reply has been that “bug is logged but likely too late to make it to SU15”… I can understand that, but on the other side there are several customers affected. Any sort of clarity as to what the root cause of the issue is so we can at least treat it while we wait 1+ year until the bug is fixed would be greatly appreciated.
Interestingly this only started happening from about a month and a half ago - we released an update around the time when this started happening. So must be related to one of the changes introduced on the update, though we have no visibility whatsoever as to what the exact cause is.
As a way around, why you don’t ask the market place team to exclude the WASM module from encryption? this is something that they can accommodate while leaving the rest of the package encrypted.
After all, WASM is compiled code, so your source code is safe… and this move might get you out of trouble until an official fix comes along?
No WASM on the module. Only Worldscripts (That are also compiled and require no encryption)
However, no idea if that’s really the problem. Perhaps @FlyingRaccoon may clarify if that’s a feasible alternative
Right but since you also sell via your website (which is not encrypted), you can ask the market place team to do not encrypt these scripts and fix this for your customers until an official fix occurs.
This happens sometimes with other products, and we ask the MP team to exclude the encryption on certain files, for example, effects, certain objects LODs, etc.
Will do, thanks for the tip