Frequency: Consistently
Severity: High
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)
Marketplace package name: if applicable
Context: Custom Content : Title/Description
Similar MSFS 2020 issue: Working Fine
Bug description:
Custom Content : Title/Description Problem
- In MSFS2024 the Description field is missing, it was present in MSFS2020 and could span multiple lines.
- In MSFS2024 The Title is limited to 30 Char, it was not in MSFS2020 and could span multiple lines
- Every time you access the Custom Activity, the presentation content is different. I have 20 Bujshtrip in my Community folder. in five successive access I would get
- 2 MissionSubType Group with only 2 Bushtrips
- 1 MissionSubType Group with all BushTrip in the group
- 1 MissionSubType Group with all BushTrip in the group but in a different order
- 2 MissionSubType Group in one line, but the 2nd show only a small window in the group which is not selectable
- The group presentation is always different en size, number, content and order.
Problem: MSFS2024 is much too constrained to let the user know what the activity is about and to differentiate between multiple activities from the same group. I don’ t see any advantages to these restrictions.
My package contains 104 Training Flights. They should be able to know a minimum of information (IFR vs VFR, Night vs Day, Which Plane, Weather, Tyoe of training, … Etc) before they select a training flights.
Repro steps: Create a Bushtrip with a Title greater than 30 char and with a Description field.
Private attachments: Send a PM to @PrivateContent with the link to this topic and the link to download your content