Custom POI not working - Scenery loads fine

Version: 1.XX.XX.X

Frequency: /Consistently

Severity: Blocker
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Context: Any package from community folder.

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: No issue in 2020

Bug description: POI is not showing up in POI right before Fly. They only show in “Teleport window” in dev mode menu.

Repro steps:


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Hello @bijanstudio

Are you still experiencing this issue?
What type of Landmarklocation is affected?

I tested with POI and STAR, and they are both displaying correctly on the world map.


It turns out the sim doesn’t read from computer folder 3 times out of 10. I have to restart the sim to read community folder again. Even though no changes were made in community folder.

Do you experience this only when a specific package is in your Community folder, or does it happen more broadly with any package?


For example: I modified some of the files in “fs-base-biomes” and placed it in community folder. I would say 7-8 times out of 10, it reads it fine.

I cannot do any more test since 9 hours ago as MSFS servers crashed.
I am not sure if to keep the Dev Build version or buy the full version.

Hello @bijanstudio ,

What happen if you use a custom POI (only POIs) project (from msfs2020 / msfs2024 in your community folder ?

Does the project is mounted and visible in the Packages tool (Devmode > Tools > Packages) ? Any error / warning about this in the console ?


That works fine.
My issue now is that I have modified biome folder in community folder:
“fs-base-biomes” but the sim doesn’t read it unless I delete the folder it from base packages folder.

Hi @bijanstudio ,

Great to see that the POIs are working as intended.

To avoid mixing issues and ensure proper tracking, could you please submit a separate bug report for this?

Thank you,
