Custom REIL lights not visible until very close to airport (less than 1 mile)

Version: *1.1.2

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Low

Bug description:
When creating a custom light for REIL’s, they are not visible once out about a mile from runway. I made the light in the ‘Light Preset’ section and they are Unidirectional with a brightness of 100,000 candles, Radius of 5, Duration of 0.045 and Period of .55. If I make the light static with ‘0’ Duration/Period it can be seen just as well as the runway lights out very far. As soon as the strobe effect is applied with the Duration/Parameter settings, they are only visible on short final. These should be very bright and visible out very far…10 miles+

Repro steps:
Create a light preset that has a Duration and Period and place at end of runway. Slew out and you will see they become barely visible when less than a mile away.