Debug Console flooded with errors from Asobo Planes

Where do all these Dev Console Error messages come from ?

Empty Community Folder.
Deluxe Version
No additional Market Place addons.

But I get all these error, as soon as I load in a plane. (C172SP steam gauge, for example)

Console error log does NOT indicate where they come from

About 8000 errors ( duplicate removed in the list below)

Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Altitude_1000_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Altitude_1000_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Altitude_100_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Altitude_100_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Clear_Release”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Course_Dyn_1_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Course_Dyn_1_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Heading_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Heading_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Range_Pan_X_Left”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Range_Pan_X_Right”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Range_Pan_Y_Down”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Range_Pan_Y_Up”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Range_Zoom_In”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_ControlPad_1_Range_Zoom_Out”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Altitude_1000_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Altitude_1000_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Altitude_100_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Altitude_100_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Baro_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Baro_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Clear_Release”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_COM_Khz_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_COM_Khz_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_COM_Mhz_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_COM_Mhz_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_COM_Swap_Release”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_COM_Volume_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_COM_Volume_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Course_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Course_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_FMS_Inner_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_FMS_Inner_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_FMS_Outer_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_FMS_Outer_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Heading_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Heading_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_NAV_Khz_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_NAV_Khz_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_NAV_Mhz_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_NAV_Mhz_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_NAV_Volume_Dec”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_NAV_Volume_Inc”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Range_Pan_X_Left”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Range_Pan_X_Right”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Range_Pan_Y_Down”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Range_Pan_Y_Up”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Range_Zoom_In”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MFD_1_Range_Zoom_Out”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_ADF”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_COM_1”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_COM_1_Mic”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_COM_2”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_COM_2_Mic”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_COM_3”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_COM_3_Mic”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_DME”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_HI”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_Isolate_Copilot”
Invalid variable name: “AS1000_MID_Isolate_Pilot”
  • about 10,000 more !!!
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Appreciate that Asobo is reviewing this :+1:

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Hello @N6722C

These errors seem to come from aircraft that are used for AI traffic without having a dedicated SimObject for it.
In this case, the model behaviors are evaluated but trigger errors on Input Events as only the user SimObject can process those.

We are a bit late to be able to fix address on SU13 but have started working on a fix.
In the meantime, the easiest way to get rid of those is to enable the USE GENERAL AIRCRAFT MODELS traffic options


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Many thanks Sylvain - I am so happy that you have looked at this, and have identified the possible cause, and presumably have a possible solution for the future.

Will try turning on Generic Models to ensure that this removes these reported errors.

At least that will help in clearing out all those error, so that any remaining errors are more obvious (especially in development phase of a community addon)

It is however not clear to me why AI traffic have to have so much internal activity … does on really are what an AI plane’s Internal model is doing or rendering ?

IN ADDITION. while your team is looking into this, maybe the error reporting can be looked at and improved to identify in more cases, where the actual error reported has been detected.

An error of “Invalid XML” with no reference to what line, expression, or xml file, is pretty useless. :upside_down_face:

Well, using GENERIC MODELS stopped those floods of error message !!, but I am still stuck with One error happening about 10 times a second, flooding the log, and “Details” is of no help in identifying where it is coming from.

This is a typical example of an error with No helpful Details

Evaluating behaviors is needed to have working animations among other things.

We are also looking to add SimObject Title and Id to this error to make it more explicit.

In the current situation, process of elimination is your best chance to identify the SimObject causing this:

  • disable all traffic (boats, animals, aircraft, etc…)
  • change user aircraft
  • change location (spawn in the middle of the ocean for example)

Depending on when these errors show up or not, you can determine where this is coming from.

You can track which SimObjects are loaded using the Sim Objects debug tool:


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Thanks … its something I have in Communrty folder … so NOT an Asobo issue.
But It will be a PITA to track down which addon aircraft is causing it … but Possible.

Feeling Good ! Thanks

BTW Still a lot (40 ish) Duplicate model GUIDs in Points of interest. Models in Asobo resources.

ie a duplicate between UK & Canada, but maybe both packages have the same item ? Anyway, its a one time only error, so is not flooding the error log.
(If really intentionally the same, then as a warning, it is justified ?)

Happy Happy … Thanks


Aug 29

Hello @N6722C

These errors seem to come from aircraft that are used for AI traffic without having a dedicated SimObject for it.
In this case, the model behaviors are evaluated but trigger errors on Input Events as only the user SimObject can process those.

We are a bit late to be able to fix address on SU13 but have started working on a fix.

Thank you Asobo for the fix in SU14 – literally 1000’s of time better :+1:

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Thanks for reporting this. It is indeed infuriating to see the Debug Console being made almost unusable thanks to all the spam (even errors and warnings, not just debugging output) from bundled aircraft and other objects.

But the hint to use only generic simple aircraft models for AI traffic is a good one. I will start doing that. It probably also makes starting a flight faster. Turning all the airport AI vehicles and people down to zero probably helps, too. You don’t want messages about problems in some baggage cart when developing an add-on aircraft and constantly iterating, edit something in your cfg, build, start a flight on the runway or apron, repeat.

Hello @N6722C
Thank you for the feedback.


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