Decals not working properly in MSFS24

Version: All versions

Frequency: Almost Consistently

Severity: High
(Low - quality of life, workflow optimization, rare enough to not impact production, etc…
High - critical but workarounds are available, important feature not working as expected, frequent enough to impact production
Blocker - prevents from working on the project, prevents from releasing the product)

Marketplace package name: Default Cessna CJ4 etc.

Context: Happens after loading a project, building and when the package is inside the community folder as well.

Similar MSFS 2020 issue: In MSFS 20 this worked perfectly.

Bug description: Decal meshes are flickering in MSFS 24. For meshes that are right on top of a fuselage with the decal material assigned I am getting a flickering. This is what happend in MSFS 20 when the standard material was used for those decals. Using the decal material, one was able to get rid of that flickering. Currently in MSFS 24 the decal material is not supressing that flickering in the rendering. Sometimes after starting a flight there is a short phase in which the decals are working (demonstrated in my video), but not longer than about 2 minutes. I am seeing this issue in both my own projects and default aircraft. The Cessna CJ4 is the most noticable and could be used for investigation.

I have recorded two short videos demonstrating the issue in my own project and I found two example videos of the Cessna where the flickering is visible.

The two videos showing the issue in the Cessna CJ4 will follow after this. For the first video it is visible right at the beginning. For the second video please go to minute 4.

Repro steps: Start a flight with the Cessna CJ4 and the problem should be visible.


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Hello @b1e1n7e,

Is this a MSFS2024 project exported with the blender msfs2024 exporter ?

We recently fixed an issue in the MSFS2024 exporter where GLTF decals were being exported without the correct settings and extension, causing them to render as standard materials in-game hence the flickering.
The fix should be available in the next sdk update.


Hey Boris,
yes, exported with the msfs24 exporter. Thank you very much, that´s exactly what I was experiencing, no difference between decal and standard material.