Default pilot figure appearing even if not configured in MSFS2020 aircraft.cfg file


Frequency: Consistently

Severity: High

Context: all MSFS2020 packages using modeled pilots

Bug description:
Default MSFS2024 pilot appears (standing) even if no pilot is configured in the MSFS2020 package.
Not configuring a pilot in MSFS2020 was intentional in order to use custom modeled pilot figures - more appropriate for each plane.

Repro steps: loading any aircraft with “modeled” pilot figures (e.g. IndiaFoxtEcho MB.339) seem to cause the glitch. Pilot figure appears.

Indiafoxtecho T-45 - pilot showing

Indiafoxtecho MB-339 - pilot showing (legs visible below fuselage)

Another example - pilot appears in the Long-EZ in MSFS2024 but does not in MSFS2020:

Same here.
Attach node set in aircraft.cfg, but the node is not part of the model.
Pilot appears anyway. Only in FS24


Hello @Scimmia1974

Sim Update 1 has a fix for this problem.
Please check you now have the expected behavior in flighting version
