Developer Camera suddenly below ground level or at high altitude

Hi all! Am I the only one using the Developper Camera (in Scenery Editor) that
suddenly gets below ground level or at high altitude few kilometers from the
previous position? To regain the control, I had to disable the “Developper
Camera” from the dev menu then re-activiated it. Maybe am I using too much
zoom-in zoom-out or the keyboard shortcut to move it?

Hello @vbazillio , Could you show us a video
showing when this occurs? Regards, Boris

I have it too, I’m so used to it that disabling and Re-enabling the dev camera
has become an habit! (Has been like this since the early sim updates) It
happens usually when I tilt the camera low on the terrain, especially when the
terrain is not flat, but don’t have precise repro steps

Thank you Boris and Mamudesign for your comments. >Could you show us a video
showing when this occurs? Will do my best to capture it and as MamuDesign said
it’s not super easy to reproduce (or at least intentionaly).

Let’s go for the most boring video of the year :wink: Hope you can visualize that
sudden moves of the camera from on-the-ground to up-in-the-air are totally
unwanted :

@vbazillio , It’s not boring if it’s useful :wink:
Can you tell me if your plane is at the same airport as the one you are
editing? Regards, Boris

Yep. The plane was at this same airport.

Hello @vbazillio and
@mamudesign , I have not been able to reproduce
this. I’ll keep looking but if you have a specific step that could help me
trigger this, I’m all ears :slight_smile: Regards, Boris

Did play with the scenery editor these last days, trying to find a pattern
that reproduce the bug. Unfortunately, I can hardly find a sequence that lead
to this faulty camera position. Most of the time, in dev camera, this happened
when playing almost at height from ground close to zero and by moving rapidly
the zoom level (mouse wheel) and position with ALT+Left-Mouse-Button. Sorry, I
would love to be more precise. Maybe other scenery editor users may find a