Dragging and dropping .xml onto FsPackageTool.exe no longer works correctly

Version: SDK 1.2.0 et SDK 1.1.2

Frequency: Consistently

Severity: Blocker

Context: compilation

**The process freezes when compiling a package containing a ModelLib, but it works with vector data. On the other hand, the process works correctly from DevMode, but it’s not at all practical to have to launch the sim to check a compilation. Reversible by switching back to 1.2.11. I tried with SDK 1.1.2 and 1.2.0, same with Beta 1.3.7. **


In here with latest SDK version

(ModelLib with a single super simple model)

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Here the same problem using the latest version of the SDK (BETA SU1). I was only able to compile again by returning to the previous version of the SDK.

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It should be fixed with the next SU1 update.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo


The issue appears to be fixed, however it now takes twice as long to compile a project. Any ideas why?

Which version of the sim are you using? Is it Steam or Store?

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

I’ve tested using the Steam version. I also have the store version but haven’t tested the latest build with that one yet.

Thanks for the information - I’ll run tests locally to compare the results between the developement version and the retail one. I have an idea of what could be causing this (related to what initially prevented the whole thing to work) but it requires a bit of investigation.

Best regards,

Eric / Asobo

Last night with version 1.3.10 it was still blocking, but with 1.3.13 it works in Store version. On the other hand, one of my six sceneries is still blocking, whereas under 1.2.10 there is no blocking. It blocks at the start of texture compilation.However, the compilation time is the same as with 1.2.10.
This only concerns one package, but the others are fine.