EDGA - world hub design questions (answered)

Hey guys,

I open this topic to discuss the feedback I received on my last two submissions for this small german airfield.

  1. airport polygon shape
    I know our little airfield is something special in the aviation world. The airfield and the hangar is divided by a road so we need to pull and push our sailplanes and aircraft by hand 100m to the runway. For the immersion i pleaced a parking spot in front of our hangar.

For the polygon i got two different answers. No#1 please extend it so that parking spot is covered as well. No#2 There is no need to extend it - please cover only the field.

Now I got a question: Which area do we need to cover?

  1. taxiway path types
    Well, I think there is a misunderstanding inside the community. We think, that we need to use the type “taxi” for aircraft taxiways. If there is no surface we remove it by using the check box “draw surface”. Nobody wants to use the type “path” because we don’t associate path with taxiway.

I would prefere some examples, when we need to use a certain type of the taxiway path. That would be more clear to the community later and us testers now.

  1. runway path
    At EDGA we have a displaced runway due the road in front of rwy 21. But that is not published in the charts and won’t be happen in the future. We use it the whole length for take off. From the road until the concrete suface at the rwy 03 threshold.

What is the best way to do this with the SDK tools?
Just extend the runway with a displaced threshold? But then the runway lenght in the sim is longer than in real life.

  1. runway path points
    Is is necessary that these points must be inside the runway? I like to create the real feeling for my airfield. :innocent: But i don’t want any exception for this.

  2. German vfr and ifr airfield charts:
    AIP Online

  3. real reference picutres
    Bildergalerie - FSV Ailertchen

Screenshort of the airfield:

With a lot of try and error i can now answer the question myself.

  1. airport polygon shape
    Try to cover only the main airport area. Do not cover to much landscape next to the airfield.

  2. taxiway path types
    For taxiways on aprons or unpaved airfields please use path type “path”.
    It won’t draw a surface. More within the SDK documentation.

3 & 4) runway path
Be sure your runway path and taxiway points are inside the runway area (runway box when selected)

Additional tasks you have to pay attention on:

  1. Objects on Aerial Images
    Please cover all kind of objects like airplanes, caravans, gilder trailers, cars and buildings with an apron surface.

Take your time to cover all kind of objects or surfaces. Be sure to match ground colors when it’s unpaved.

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