I’m familiarising myself with the efb app development process, so took the sample template app for a test run.
As I understand it now, this is what you have to do to build/deploy/modify/test in sim:
- Follow EFB Template App readme to install/build ts/js src to dist folder
- Follow EFB TEMPLATE SAMPLE and use dist as the source, build all project on sim devmode to create package
- Load the created package into community folder
- Open sim, run Coherent Debugger, select Select the efb page in the debugger to monitor it and to see output when using app in efb
- Make changes in js/ts src, run npm watch to build to dist folder, then also need to rebuild the project each time with SDK project build all command and it will auto reload into the debugger, or refresh Coherent debugger to reload.
Do I have this process right, as the optimal way to develop and iterate test for the efb?
It’s a lot more convoluted than iterating on a toolbar app, though I can understand why given the nature of it.
Is there any way to optimise it, to speed up the development test/iterate cycle beyond the double build?
Some more complex examples would also be helpful to understand what’s going on and give some guidance/ideas of how to use/access more complex integrations. eg: the current efb apps are great but can’t read them for guidance.
What are the disadvantages/advantages of toolbar apps vs efb apps?
Can you jam any app idea into either (like the current apps pop up 2d as well as in efb) or are there some considerations that make a toolbar app a better deployment vs efp app, or vice versa?