EGDD Submission Feedback

I know this is a bit late with World Hub due to close, but as it will hopefully make a comeback in the future, I thought it worth posting now as it may help me or someone else in future.

I submitted an update for EGDD Bicester Aerodrome due to the current layout being incorrect. It was declined, as the parking and taxiway setup doesn’t appear to match the airfield layout. Trouble is, the aprons are not used for parking or taxying, only the grass areas. So to ‘correct’ my submission is to add disused parts of the airfield to the layout… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I gave a link to the aerodrome’s PDF to support my submission:

So, the usual questions, really.

  • What is expected of us when making updates?
  • Where to abandon reality and go with a ‘best guess’ based on what looks like it should be a taxiway?

I followed the aerials and didn’t get ‘creative’. EGDD was a former air force base - only part of the airfield is usable now for general aviation.

Here’s a Little Navmap screenshot showing the actual airfield (grey runways) with the current MSFS runways (green):

Compare to the real situation (matching my submission) vs latest Bing Map aerials that we see in sim:

This was the recommended change, even though it’s completely wrong (even it looks ‘sensible’ from the air):

Maybe the review process is too fast, maybe it’s a one-off bad judgement, or maybe the goalposts keep moving. I’m not sure :upside_down_face:

I don’t know if I’m in a position to offer advice, as one of my submissions was rejected, and nobody in any official capacity replied to me afterwards. But I will say that when I feel that I’m doing something out of the ordinary, I document it on the first submission to make sure they see it. Unfortunately, without email notifications (they said they’re coming), there’s no guarantees that anyone will see those comments after their rejection.

Do you know what that outer paved pathway is? Is it for ground vehicles? If so, I wonder if the mods would accept it if you were to add a path over it or type VEHICLE and explicitly explained the taxiway situation in a submission.

Thanks for the feedback. I mentioned in the submission that it was all updated as per the aerodrome’s official information (with link to PDF) and matching the aerials, but didn’t go into specifics on the unusual elements; I should have.

The aerodrome is used for a lot of car-related events as far as I know, so the perimeter tracks and aprons are used then. They’re certainly not available for aircraft which is clearly stated in the official information.

It is unusual to have taxiways alongside runways with no clear delineation, that’s for sure.

Let’s just hope 2024 uses newer airport data and auto-corrects it. I don’t have much opportunity each week to fly or edit airports, but thinking this was a quick one to fix I thought I’d tackle it. The difficulty to collaborate on these types of issues is definitely off-putting to continued efforts. Let’s also hope that ‘World Hub 2.0’ will be a much better experience when it comes back in future :slightly_smiling_face:

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Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that even if you did submit it and specifically called out those items that it wouldn’t be rejected. I do see that it does say:

The perimeter track has a loose surface and is not suitable for taxiing.

However, since I don’t make the rules around here, I have no idea whether or not they would accept it. I made a parking spot that blocks a taxiway, just as it does in real life:

and they rejected my airport on the grounds that I blocked the taxiway. Nobody from the team is responding to us in the WorldHub category anymore, so any feedback we give is likely not going anywhere.

In my opinion there’s nothing wrong with your submission, moderators ain’t robots, they can make mistakes.) We’re only humans, so they’re too.
I’ve encountered myself sort of a mistakes before. A good explanation can be more than enough

Just try to resubmit your airport same as it is now with all links on explanations of your situation and I’m sure it’ll be approved. :wink: And as I can see it you’ve got a new comment on your submission, so go ahead.

Gl with that! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh wow, that’s awesome! I got no support, either in the comments, or in the forums, when my submission was rejected.

Also interesting to know that they get charts to go by. I wish we could have access to them.

Many thanks - I hadn’t been keeping tabs on it (nor the dev forums, apparently).

I have resubmitted, let’s see what happens. I won’t lose sleep over it either way, but this was a pleasantly surprising turn of events :smiling_face:

It got rejected, but for a different reason:

overlap with the taxiways that are missing a connecting point. Any taxiway that goes through another needs to do so through connecting those paths.

I don’t know when they’re going to shut off the World Hub , but there might still be some time to fix this if you get this right away (Edit: the World Hub is now closed).

Oh, that’s a pity. I picked up on your reply via e-mail notification earlier after I finished work, and now, later in the evening, I just loaded up MSFS to make a quick edit, but just missed it! Thanks for your valiant effort :smiling_face:

I see the issue. Two of the new taxiways cross runways, over the “runway” type taxi path, without a node. I sometimes forget that the runway centre line is considered a taxiway.

They did say World Hub would close after the last World Update, so no surprise. EGDD is ready to go if they re-open it next year. Maybe it will be a new and improved version. Let’s hope!

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Sorry to hear you didn’t get it in on time!

At one point, in one of my submissions, I actually deliberately crossed two taxiway lines and didn’t connect them, as nobody would actually be turning 90° and turning from one taxiway to the other. Only difference is, no one noticed mine, and it got accepted. (To be clear, I didn’t know that this was a rule. I would not have violated it on purpose.) Fortunately, I know where this issue happened, and I have a fix fired up and ready to go for next year, just like you.