I’m facing a problem while working on my custom mission. Upon completing it
the logbook entry has 00:00:000 as time. The plane name is correct, the
departure and arrival airport as well. Time of take off/landing is the same in
both though. It seems to be connected with Flow States. I am using RACE_RENO
at the moment, but same thing happens with RACE_LOWALTITUDE. Developer mode is
Yes, it would be great to know how the logbook works (And what all the
different functions and uses of FlowStates are).
I figured that one, but it feels like workaround. I was using FLIGHT_RUNWAY in
order to get every plane properly initialized when mission starts (it is my
understanding that plane’s runway.FLT file is used in this state). Now what I
was doing is force changing to a “race” state after short wait action. When I
let the FLIGHT_RUNWAY finish on its own (when plane is in the air) and jump to
next state, the logbook entries are properly generated.