Enable "CAMERA POS IN PLANE" simvar for simconnect

This data allows you to get the current camera position as it moves through
the cockpit. This simvar is readable via coherent and SimVar.GetGameVarValue
within javascript, and you can set L:vars to read via the gauge api. This
workaround sacrifices a few frames and causes a noticeable lag when simulating
collimation. Having this simvar readable directly with simconnect will
mitigate the lag. Having it readable via the gauge api would be a bonus, but I
don’t think reading xyz structs via “execute_calculator_code” or
“aircraft_varget” is possible, unless I’m mistaken.

We need this for sure… also being able to change the value at runtime it
would mean we can expand many capability of our aircrafts, etc. Regards, S.


Yes please!

This is an absolute must! Very high priority, please!

Please add this variable to Simconnect. I know how to retrieve it directly
from memory but, that’s a bad hack I’d rather not use.

How do you retrieve variables from memory? This would be helpful for accessing
sim data that Asobo have not yet exposed or have put on the backlog

With bad hacks, basically attaching a process to the sim .exe as a debugger.
I’m not using it for actual products, just for testing and learning, since it
require running the process as admin.